
Thursday, 17 September 2015

Do you want to verse me on 8 ball pool?

On the weekend, my family and I went to my cousin's Holy Communion celebration at Valentines.

When we arrived there, I went upstairs because the celebration was up there. The stairs were red which the bulls hate. When I reached the top, I saw Lasike playing pool. I didn't want to play because I'm not that good at playing pool. He said,"Do you want to play?" 
I said, 
"Yep!" He gave me the stick. I used the stick to hit the ball and I got the black ball went in. Then our team won! Then I realised that I wasn't that bad at it after all. I actually did pretty well.

Finally it was eating time! I grabbed garlic bread, lasagna, lollies and drink. I sat down and ate hungrily like a dog keeping the bone to itself. I finished everything on my plate. 

After I finished eating, I asked my cousin if we could go and play pool again and he said "Sure!"

It was my turn to break. When I broke, I got two balls in and I was proud of myself. It was still my turn because two balls went in. I got six balls in and I won in the end. I couldn't stop smiling because I felt really happy.

Image result for 8 ball poolI had so much fun playing pool with my cousins. I hope we can play pool again soon so I can keep practising my skills.

We are learning to understand and use descriptive language.

I know I can do this when I describe my emotions using metaphors.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Let's trim some trees!

We are learning to add and subtract ones, tens and hundreds.
I know I can do this when I record the working for solving Trimming trees using Movenote.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Save the world!

We are learning to understand about Global warming using the Inquiry process.
I know I can do this when I ask 10 questions about the information that I have learnt in order to gain an even deeper understanding about Global warming.