On the weekend, my family and I went to Lasike's house for a sleepover. When we arrived there I went straight upstairs to Lasike's room to play some games. Once I was upstairs, I asked Lasike, "Can I play?" He said "No!" I felt that he was like a greedy dog wanting to keep a bone to himself. I asked him a second time "Can I please play?" He replied, "Yes!" I was as happy as a clown.
When it was my turn, I played my favourite game Minecraft! I played online Sky Wars. When the game started, a person came straight at me and I hit him so he died. I was laughing. When my friend and I were the last men standing. We fought each other. I ran to him like I was a police man chasing a thief. I hit him hard when I reached him as if it was a match between Mayweather and Pacquiao.
I played the second time and lost because I jumped off and died in the game. I was angry because I don't like to lose. After a while, I felt hungry so I went to the kitchen and ate a pie. I played on the PC for a long time and I was still playing until Lasike called me to go and play Pay day with him. Pay day is a shooting game, it look boring but it was fun when I played the game. I shot everyone and it said "You have won". I felt sleepy and slept.
I hope I get to Lasike's house a bite earlier next time. I might ask my parents to drop me off earlier.

We are learning to understand and use descriptive language in my writing to make it more interesting.
I know I can do this when I use metaphors and similes to make my writing more interesting.