It is summer time so we are going to the beach. In the holiday my family and I went to the beach. First I put on my swimming togs and then I got onto the water. When I first got in, it was very cold and the water tasted salty.
After I tasted the salt water, I vomited my dad carried me back to the shore to calm down. Then when I was calm
I went back into water to have a swim. When I got in, I jumped onto back he grabbed me and threw into the water. I did a front flip and I landed in my back and it was sore. My brother laughed at me.
After we swam, we went and had something to eat. I ate tuna sandwich and drank same juice. After I ate I went back to the waster for a bit. Then we played rugby. I threw the ball and I ran straight to my brother because he had the ball. And when I ran to him, he pushed me and I went flying like a frisbee.
After that, my mum called us to blow the candle.
The cake was on the table so my brother and I raced to it so one of us could blow it out first. “Get ready get set go!", said my mum. I was the first one to blow it out. After that, we sang the birthday song to my nana and she was crying because she was so happy.
Then we went home in my dad’s car. It was very safe because my dad is a very good driver that was the best birthday ever and I’m looking forward to my birthday.
WALT: plan our writing by focusing on the important information.
I know this when I write the keywords about my holiday using a brainstorm map.