What you need:
Bowls for mixing
Frying pan
Measuring cup
baking powder
What to do:
1.Crack eggs into a mixing bowl then whisk them.
2.Melt the butter in the microwave for about 30 seconds.
3.Add the butter into the bowl and mix it with the beaten eggs.
4. Put the flour, baking powder and sugar into the bowl and mix them well until it is smooth.
5. Heat up the pan and put a bit of oil.
6. Pour about 3 tablespoons to 1/4 cup of pancake mixture into the heated pan.
7.Cook it for about 1 minute or until the pancake is golden colour.
8.Flip the other side and cook it for another minute.
9. Use the spatula to remove the pancake from the frying pan.
10. Place the pancake on a plate.
11. Spread jam and butter to make it taste sweet and yummy.
Pancake is delicious and it is great for morning tea.
Is your pancake yummy? Enjoy your sweet pancake!
WALT write a procedural writing.
I know this when I write the steps in order on how to make pancakes with golden syrup.